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A Disease Called GAS


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I've come to realize some of the terrible problems with Gear Acquisition Syndrome.


For instance, I want to get a Nova Delay and now my DD-3, which has served me for years (and was a present from my mom), now sounds sub-par to my ears. My rig doesn't actually need to have a Slow Gear or a ring mod or an octaver or another boost. No, really the only thing I can justify right now would be a chorus.. Of course, I want to add all of these RIGHT NOW.


[in particular: BYOC Lazy Sprocket, either the Android or Antenna from CoPilot, GRO from General Guitar Gadgets, ZVEX Super Hard-On, and Analog Man's Bi-Chorus.]


Another thing I've decided is that most of what sounds good to me has to be caused by some placebo effect. Boutique, limited edition, vintage, etc. all sound amazing to me. Can they be that great? Really, most people get along just fine without them.


Thus I've concluded that I really need a raise. Maybe I'll hustle coke or something on the side to quench my thirst for sweet little boxes. Or best yet, CHRISTMAS!


What are your views and possible resolutions? No, nothing will stop me from wanting anything and everything all the time.

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There's no intervention for GAS, your {censored}ed...


All the pedal Co.'s try to make everyone think GAS is cool (like smoking), even though the latest and greatest gizmo really isnt all that much better than the gear you have, you must have it because of the psychological warfare that is being waged to get you to spend every penny you have on a bunch of noise box's that look pretty.


Some have claimed to have cured themselves by building their own effects, the problem is they still want to sell these wonderful boxes to buy the latest and greatest FX just like the rest of us junkies (except for now they lose money because they were not built by someone mysterious and elusive).

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Another thing I've decided is that most of what sounds good to me has to be caused by some placebo effect. Boutique, limited edition, vintage, etc. all sound amazing to me. Can they be that great? Really, most people get along just fine without them.

Thus I've concluded that I really need a raise. Maybe I'll hustle coke or something on the side to quench my thirst for sweet little boxes. Or best yet, CHRISTMAS!

What are your views and possible resolutions? No, nothing will stop me from wanting anything and everything all the time.




Needs change as time goes by. I have become the lead singer in my band, I now have a need for other things. Also maintaining what you ALREADY own can creep up on you, 2 of my amps need work 2 of my guitars need refretting. Proceed with caution.

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Another thing I've decided is that most of what sounds good to me has to be caused by some placebo effect. Boutique, limited edition, vintage, etc. all sound amazing to me. Can they be that great? Really, most people get along just fine without them.

Thus I've concluded that I really need a raise. Maybe I'll hustle coke or something on the side to quench my thirst for sweet little boxes. Or best yet, CHRISTMAS!

What are your views and possible resolutions? No, nothing will stop me from wanting anything and everything all the time.



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You know, that dried ramen thing sounds like a good idea. I'm usually too lazy to cook it and it definitely is cheaper than... anything except tap water. This will open up many options. However, I still have another problem. Does anyone know a good way to siphon gas without inhaling/ingesting the stuff?


As someone said before, turning off the computer would help, I think. I just have a bunch of free time between classes and I get on late at night when I can't sleep or play anything audible.


Another response to an above comment, building effects doesn't help a damn thing. I just end up spending lots of money at Radioshack and such. Often, pedals don't work the first time around. Then I get frustrated. Then I smoke and drink more. That costs more money.


Maybe I should have titled this thread THENEVERENDINGSPIRALEXCLAMATIONPOINT... or something.


It's late. Sorry if that's not actually funny.

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