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Getting My First Bit Of Old/Used Gear Tomorrow!!!


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I have been on the look out for some good old/used gear, i came across a Boss PH-1 in good condition and just enquired about wether they still had it, they did and now im gonna get it tomorrow.


Trading in some stuff for it as well, as soon as i get it i can then start building my Boss only pedal board for use with a small class A amp.

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I know the Boss adiction is unstopable, i already have arround 7 Boss pedals and have owned arround 9 in total, trading a MT-2 and ODB-3 in for other gear and because they sucked.

I now want to get a CS-1 (theres 2 near me in guitar shops) and a OC-3 as well.

Even tho i know my EVH Phase 90 is a better phaser, i like the coolness and the subtleness of the PH-1, its like my CH-1, subtle in what it does, but not too subtle so its not noticible, you know its there, but you dont know its there sorta thing.

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