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EHX Deluxe memory man


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'Tell me about the different versions over the years. So there are the really old versions without the chorus/vibrato, but i'm gassing for one that has at least the chorus/delay, and the power cable thus no seperate adapter. It doesn't have to have TB cuase i use TB loopers anyway. Where should i look~?!?

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don't get the one with power cable, they're not true bypass either which makes a big difference with the memory man IMO. if it's not true bypass you can't set the level control properly because it's always on. i had the one with the power cable and the more recent one with the adapter...and the more recent one was much better. clearer sounding and less noisy. i would always get a really bad hum through my amp when using the power cable memory man.

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don't get the one with power cable, they're not true bypass either which makes a big difference with the memory man IMO. if it's not true bypass you can't set the level control properly because it's always on. i had the one with the power cable and the more recent one with the adapter...and the more recent one was much better. clearer sounding and less noisy. i would always get a really bad hum through my amp when using the power cable memory man.



I'd go for the TB one with the adaptor, too (and have one, actually..), but, that being said...


He says he using a looper so true bypass isn't that important to him. He can set the level to unity gain, loop it out of the chain, and be done with it...

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