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Nah, I just mean formuleic comedy. I love the gags, but you just know how its going to start and finish. And the voiceovers are all the same. When you work in a hospital, x y and z. Seeing x with his y reminded me of number z on my list etc etc

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Excellent, just hope it's better than the last one. One of the only things on TV worth watching, IMO, especially as far as US comedy goes.




I can't believe you guys are serious. Watch some goddamn Adult Swim, that's where the best cable tv comedy is. If you can get it, Curb Your Enthusiasm is probably the funniest show being made right now.

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its a pretty funny show, but i can't
the last five minutes of the show when the sappy music comes on and everyone gives that reflective sentimental look. how {censored}ing cheesy is it to do that every show???



On some shows it works on most episodes it doesn't.



BTW, I hope JD doesn't ditch the pregnant chick from 40 year old virgin. I will lose all respect for him if he does.

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I can't believe you guys are serious. Watch some goddamn Adult Swim, that's where the best cable tv comedy is. If you can get it, Curb Your Enthusiasm is probably the funniest show being made right now.



Adult Swim is hit or miss. ATHF, Boondocks, Robot Chicken, and Space Ghost: Coast to Coast are the ONLY good original shows on Adult Swim. But Robot Chicken is only funny the first time you see it and is just a clip show.


Curb is great though.

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Adult Swim is hit or miss. ATHF, Boondocks, Robot Chicken, and Space Ghost: Coast to Coast are the ONLY good original shows on Adult Swim. But Robot Chicken is only funny the first time you see it and is just a clip show.

Curb is great though.




***Cough***** sealab *******Cough*******

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