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looking at fender combos - guide me

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i'm thinking about picking up a fender combo amp to try out just cause i've never really owned one. the ones that immediately seem to be what i might want are the twin-amp and twin reverb reissue, but i don't know much about the lineup so maybe there are others i should consider... i use pedals for my gain and right now I have a JCM 800 which i really like. i'd definitely like it to be big enough sounding to play with a semi-loud rock band


any thoughts on those two models or others? i'm new at fender amps

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i appreciate the advice, but as i said, i'm a complete noob when it comes to these. what do you mean by silverface? is that a specific model?


my budget is probably around a grand or so, and i always buy used when possible. if i like the combo, i'll probably end up selling my JCM 800 and i want it to come out to be a fairly even trade off




i'm also considering vox amps (specifically the AC30), although i've read about reliability issues with the new ones...any thoughts there?

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the new reissues are fine, especially on stage. buy a used reissue. i suggest the Bassman or Super Reverb. the Super will run a little cleaner and has reverb and tremolo. they're big amps (4x10), but they sound fantastic.

the twin and twin reverb are way too big IMO. you'll never get them to crank and they're ungodly heavy. course, you're used to a JCM800, so it might not be an issue for you.

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Silverface refers to 70's era Fender amps that had a silver colored control panel. The question is what do you want use it for? Are you looking for clean or overdrive sounds and how loud do you want it to be? Are you planning on running it next to your JCM800 for cleans? How loud do you play?

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right now i run my JCM 800 (it's 50 watts) at 5 on the preamp and the master using the lo gain input. It's a very slightly breaking up cleanish sound which I then use pedals (keeley baked tubescreamer and/or keeley sd-1) for further gain.


If I get a Fender amp, it will be as a possible replacement for the 800. I'm super happy with my tone, but I've never explored fender amps so buying one just to see if I like it better is kind of the point. also, the portability of a combo is tempting and the other guitarist in my band plays another halfstack, so this in my mind could be a way of differentiating our tones more and making our mix clearer.


From what I've seen so far, my impression is that something like a Twin would be too loud and too clean to work with the pedal setup i have right now in the same way that my 800 does. the bassman 4x10 combo looks really tempting.

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