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Delay to Delay


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I've noticed quite a few players using delay pedals back to back in the signal chain. maybe a DD-6 into a DD-3 for example. I've never had 2 delays to try this with. Have some of you guy's tried this arrangement and what does it produce sonically?


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You can do all sorts of fun stuff. I like making delay #1 do a couple of fast tapered repeats and then sync delay #2 up so that it's second repeat directly follows #1's last repeat. You get kind of a 'mechanical' sound.


You can also set them up randomly so you hear repeats coming in and out of sync with each other. Kind of like an old multitap delay.

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I use a DD-5 into a DD-20. The DD-5 is always set to dotted eigth (which I use alot in my band and general playing). I generally don't use them at the same time, but when I do I put the DD-20 on a spacey setting. More delay is nice.

The FUN part here is the contraption I devised with tap tempo. It's just a splitter as you can see, but it makes sure that, when I'm tapping tempo, it's sending the signal to both units at the same time. So one tap takes care of BOTH units.

Gonna try this out with a Timefactor if I get one, on the expression pedal. I'll use the ecpression to control the HOG and the TF at the same time.

I know, I talk about this in like every thread, but I'm proud!

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Delay would be awesome with a Fuzz Probe, for the theremin effect.


Delay and Reverb really thicken out the Fuzz Factory actually, makes the harsh "Stab" noises a lot nicer to play around with. Matt Bellamy came to the same conclusion recently.


Bill Bailey(english comedian/musician) uses delay/verb on his theremin to smooth it out too.

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DD-6 -> DE-7

Loop something or another on the DD-6, whatever you want, I usually use harmonics with a little bit of distortion, then i twiddle the time knob on the DE-7 so i can "play synth" and make some interesting washes of sound behind whatever the rest of the band is doing. Also works with my echopark but it's not quite as exciting since it doesn't oscillate as well as the DE-7, and losing control of the pedals is part of the fun.

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The FUN part here is the contraption I devised with tap tempo. It's just a splitter as you can see, but it makes sure that, when I'm tapping tempo, it's sending the signal to both units at the same time. So one tap takes care of BOTH units.



I wondered in the past if splitting the tap tempo signal like that would work. I only have a DD-5 so I didn't have any way of testing. Good to know it does!

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thats very nifty, where did you get the 2 into 1 adapter? I've seen those on oscilloscopes for BNC, banana's etc. but not 1/4m to 1/4f like that.



They have those at radio shack I think... if not you can find them all over the internet...



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A lot of pedals say multi tap or dual delay but the one delay is really short. I don't think it's much use to be honest. On the GT-8 you can set up two fairly long delays and run them serially or parallel, and set them to different tap tempos, like quarter note and dotted eights at the same time. Makes a huge sound. Oh and you can pan them hard.

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Just look for a good multi-tap, 4 taps is good. Then you calculate the delays based on the notes, 1/4,1/8,1/16 so you get ping-pong effects as the notes bounce around the taps. It's nice if your delay has a triplet function. With a nice flanger or phaser you get nice swirls as the notes bounce around. You can simulate a 2-tap with a decent stereo delay by detuning one channel off by 10-20ms from the other. Or you can use a few in series detuned to get a larger sound, but it works better in stereo slightly detuned apart. Detuning makes it sound larger, like a reverb effect. Or you can just freak out and make {censored}ed up noise.

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