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Some difficulties with my Maxon OD-9


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Hi there,


I have a Maxon OD-9 overdrive pedal, hooked up to my Crate Blue Voodoo BV120H and BH412 halfstack. I have a few issues, and want to know if it's just something with my pedal, or if it's normal, and if so, why it happens and what can be done. I'm no equipment junkie, so maybe someone who knows better could help.


First of all, I get some pretty bad feedback. When the amp is turned up, no matter how far it seems I get away, when my Maxon is on, it starts to scream. This of course happens even more when the drive on the pedal is up further. Also, I use a Crybaby Fasel, and I can't play it at all with the Maxon on, it gets even worse. I try keeping myself far away from the amp a bit, but it just slows down the time it takes to get to a screeching level. Also, I tried moving the pedals a few feet back from the amp, didn't really seem to help. This is just really bugging me, because it happens when the amp volume is up, which makes it seem that this nice pedal is useless for playing live.. there really must be something wrong here.


Second of all.. when using the Maxon, the reverb increases substantially. The reverb noticeably increases when drive is increased on the pedal. I really don't think there is much that I can do, but it would be nice to be able to switch the pedal off in a song and not have to worry about losing the uniformity of reverb throughout the song.


Anyway, any bit of knowledge on these two issues would be appreciated, thank you.

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That should be about as feedback resistant as anything. Are you running the od-9 into a clean channel and getting feedback? Are you using it as a clean booster into a dirty channel? Anytime you run too much gain in too small or a room it's going to feedback unless you have a noise gate in there. The reverb issue still doesn't make any sense to me. The only explanation I have for that is that the od-9 might be accentuating frequencies at which the reverb responds more, which would sound like the reverb has been turned up even though it hasn't in actuality.

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I get feedback in the clean channel as well.. although it is much less than the dirty channel of course.

Curious though, does the proximity between the pedal and the amp have any effect? Also, I still can't figure out why I get ridiculous screaming feedback when I use my wah pedal.

That's an interesting theory on the reverb though, I'll try playing around with different reverb levels and see if I can find any lows.

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Crate Blue Voodoos feed back terribly when you turn them up or boost them. Its just the way the amp is designed.

The reverb issue stems from adding more gain which drives the reverb system harder and causes it to produce more output in the form of more wet reverb. Youre just hitting those springs with more signal so youll automatically get more reverb. BTW - why are you using reverb on a boosted high gain channel?

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That makes sense, thanks!

I just use reverb on my gain channel because I like the sound, but boosting it with my OD-9 is just to give it an edge at solos and such, but of course, I either gotta settle for not having the pedal on that channel or turning reverb down I suppose. Same goes for my wah I guess.. can't use that while the OD-9 is on.

Also, does the feedback tendency come from the design of the cab or the head? Suppose I buy a new head some time in the future and use the same Crate cab, would I still encounter the same feedback?

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