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tbp help


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Old Phase 90s (pre 1990 with switch/jacks separate from the pcb) are easy - just identify the input/output wires and wire it up using a regular TB wiring scheme (google is your friend).

Modern ones (1990 onwards, with switch/jacks mounted to the pcb) are much harder - you need to cut out a section in the circuit board to make room for the new switch, identify the input/output points on the pcb and fly wires between them and the switch. It's doable, but definitely not a simple job.


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I'd like to true-bypass my Phase 90. Can anyone give me a walkthrough on the switch installation? Or point me in the right direction. Also, would a 3DPT switch be fine or is there something better? Thanks



This link is from the guy at BYOC He has 2 different ways to wire up a 3PDT switch and explains how it works. Good luck!!


3PDT Explained - wiring

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Yup. Just took it apart right now. Looks like this is something I won't be doing... Thanks for the help guys




Don't blame ya. I've only TB'd my wah which had a similar type switch. I modded my TS9 to 808 specs, and didn't want to drill to install the different type switch. What you should do is make yourself a TB loop box. Pretty simple and the link I included would help. Also, the DIY board here would be helpful as would the BYOC board. People love to help us noobs out!!

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Also, keep in mind that a modern (post 1990, that is) Phase 90 will only noticeably steal tone when it's the first thing the guitar pickups "sees". If there's a buffered (Boss or Ibanez-type) pedal in front of it, you'd be hard pressed to hear any tone loss from the Phase 90.



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