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I want to buy a MicroPOG...


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...and I want to buy one used. But is there a market for these on here?


I've seen a couple of POG's up ... but that's too big for my board and too expensive for my wallet. Plus, after much in-thread debate, I think the Micro version would be better for me anyway.


I've checked eBay and the market is mostly new, so that's out. I saw that BTBam sold one .... but it was before I had a major Gas attack for one.


Are these selling? Or is everyone so happy with them that new is the only way to go?


I just bought a Holy Stain ... so that'll tide me over for awhile as far as new toys go ... but I really want the organ-esque tones of a MicroPOG.


Any insight is appreciated. Thanks.

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just use the best offer on ebay. the price went down to $199, most of the used ones I've seen were $180.



I might just hold out for awhile. I was hoping to land a used one for something below $150. Maybe that's nuts ... but that's what I was hoping for.


How long have these been out? Seems like there would be more floating around.

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I think BTBam has a video of his. He uses the shallow detune on his Whammy IV along with the organ tone ... sounds, {censored}ing, brilliant. That's what made me want one.

I just sold off my Whammy actually .... but I just picked up a Holy Stain from another forum member. (Comes with a PEEP and a Lava Cable for $100 shipped .... NICE!) The Stain has a detune effect, so that should do the same trick I'm hoping.

Plus, I've read that if you barely use the detune effect on the Stain, it sounds like a tubey chorus. ULTRANICE! That said, out goes the Nano Clone.

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the peep is cool and all, but i think it's not the best thing to use on most expression inputs, simply for the fact that it resets to either 0 or 100. With a normal EXP, you can leave the effect somewhere in the middle. So for the whammy effect on the stain, you can only fully sweep, and not go from say a Maj 2nd to a Maj 3rd.

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I don't think you're gonna find one for $150 for a while, unless you find a REALLY hot deal and no one beats you to it.


If you want it that bad, spend the extra $30 or so and get it so you's can enjoy it. Is the long wait worth that much to ya's?

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Orange - I might just end up offing the PEEP anyway. I've got an EX-1 for my DL-4 that I use VERY sparingly ... so I might just sell it off to offset the cost of the Stain. We'll see how much use that gets.


Tenoken - Right now, it's more a matter of selling off the gear in my Spam thread. I've got too many pedals right now (for my taste) ... so, once I do away with those ... board economy and budget won't matter much.

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