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Im building my little brother a pedal board...


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...out of pedals that i have laying around the i no longer use. heres what i was thinking:


ab-2> tuner> (other channel) ts-9> lpb-1> small stone> dano slapback >amp


he doesnt need much, he plays 80/early 90 style moderate rock as well as some hendrix. he wants to get a crybaby and i was thinking a big muff and a chorus pedal of some kind. anyone else have any suggestions? hes saving for a gibson les paul and will probably be playing out of my marshall practice amp until he can pick one up for himself.

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i tried to get my brother into drums once, didnt quite work out, but i still got a sweet ass pearl drum set out of the deal

Basically the same for me. Although I ended up with a sweet ass Gretsch set. :p

On topic, Awesome idea. I'd most definitely add in a Big Muff - get him addicted to fuzz early on. :thu:

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Basically the same for me. Although I ended up with a sweet ass Gretsch set.

On topic, Awesome idea. I'd most definitely add in a Big Muff - get him addicted to fuzz early on.

It cracks me up that the muff is your answer to all of life's questions.

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It cracks me up that the muff is your answer to all of life's questions.

I would have recommended a Fender Blender, but that's a bit extreme for a first fuzz.

And, IMO, everyone should have a Big Muff on their board. It's just an all around awesome pedal.

But, this is coming from a fuzz-lover. I currently have four fuzz pedals on my board. :wave:

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i personally have an extreme love-hate relationship with the muff but i think it would be much more suited to my brothers style as opposed to mine (much heavy stuff)

i think ill just pick him up a used crybaby for cheap in the classifieds and buy him big muff for his birthday or something. thanks for the input :wave:

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lol, i beat him up one more time and i get arrested and i recently quit smoking (actually exactly 3 weeks ago today :thu:) but yeah. he's a bit of a dink but ive got a couple extra pedals and he plays a lil guitar so i figured id do something nice for once rather then beat his face in :wave:

for once:cop:

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then when you're done with his board you can stand back, point, and laugh..

if he wants a wah then i suppose you could get him one.. other than that i would just leave him with what you've already got for him which is a great 'starter pack' :D.. and offer to teach plenty.

you're a good brother indeed

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