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ISP Decimator -- How Effective?


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How effective is the ISP Decimator? I get insane buzz, even using humbuckers. I've tried moving to a different outlet, turning off electronics, moving away from the amp, still not any major improvement. So {censored} it, i'm willing to throw down $120 for a pedal to finally kill it. But will it kill tone as well?

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it's pretty transparent, but it's a gate - so it will 'close' and silence the noise when you're not playing, then 'open' and let the noise through when you are playing, so if your noise issues are so bad that it's an issue even when you're playing, it's not going to help.


also, it's a very good gate, but it's not perfect - it will sometimes cut short the trailing end of a note when it dies off and goes below the threshold you set on the decimator.


I had one and it was pretty good for stop/start high gain chugga chugga kinda stuff, but it bugged me when used for something with more dynamics.

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Well I find that in a lot of my play I do a lot of long-held bends, vibrato, and a lot of held notes in my soloing. My buzz problem is when i'm not picking, where I had just finished a riff and I stop and hear the sound of killer bees inside my speaker.

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  • 2 months later...
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Guys I'm thinking about this again too. My purpose is for the white noise I get when running all pedals upfront. I love the the mangey messy delays and gnarly tones from running all pedals upfront but just can't take the noise at band volume. I use my FX loop now.
I recorded the white noise one time and found it run around -50 to -40 db or so.
Is that threshold OK with the Decimator and would it serve my purpose?
Will I be able to set it so that my delay repeats and the occasional soft playing won't be cut? I know some say to put it before your delays, but my delays, a couple Ibanez DE-7's and a Boss DD3 I =know= contribute to the noise. I'd want the Decimator last.

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