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A little fuzz advice, please?


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Hi there! I've got a Russian Big Muff (the big black one), and I love the sound, but as part of a live rig it's kind of a pain. Besides the annoyance of the "input" and "output" jacks being reversed, well, the knobs are really easy to accidentally knock out of place and, worst of all, it only takes a battery, so when I forget to unplug the thing at the end of a show or practice too many times I waste a (rather expensive) 9v. Plus, it's HUGE.


I'm looking to replace it with somethig that has a normal adapter input for power and is more standard-sized. I'd like to keep this under $150 or so too. It doesn't have to sound exactly like a Big Muff, but I'd like the same general kind of sound.


The only catch is this... I have a song where a have my guitar volume WAY down and play chords with the fuzz on. So my guitar is quiet, but still really distorted, because the Muff doesn't really clean up when you roll the volume back. So, in order to still get this sound, I need something that WON'T clean up too much when you lower your volume...


Thanks in advance for any suggestions you can offer! :wave:

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For $150 or less I would suggest either the RonSound HairPie Classic (or he can mod your current Russian for around $45 bucks and throw a Boss adapter jack into it) or EarthQuaker Devices Hoof (from what I've heard its a copy of the old Green Russian Muffs).

Good Luck and let us know what you decided to get.

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For $150 or less I would suggest either the
RonSound HairPie Classic
(or he can mod your current Russian for around $45 bucks and throw a Boss adapter jack into it) or
EarthQuaker Devices Hoof
(from what I've heard its a copy of the old Green Russian Muffs).

Good Luck and let us know what you decided to get.




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