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My board got Christmas-Hauled!


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put the wah in front of the trem and set the trem to the square waveform. If you set the depth deep enough, it makes a chopping sound, then you slowly vary the wah playing over a chord and it gives it an organ sound. Throw the pog in there and you've got yourself an organ. Combining pedals is so much fun!

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put the wah in front of the trem and set the trem to the square waveform. If you set the depth deep enough, it makes a chopping sound, then you slowly vary the wah playing over a chord and it gives it an organ sound. Throw the pog in there and you've got yourself an organ. Combining pedals is so much fun!



Good tip I'll have to try that today... Being a day off from work and all!

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the only thing i hate about them ehx pedals is the space wastage... i want the pog.. hows the synth stuff on it?



To be honest I've only delved into the 12, 18 string and organ effects, haven't found anything synth-y on it yet... But I do like it hooked up to a muff, does some real cool stuff.

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I'm waiting on a Micro Q-tron. How do you like that so far?



I dig it, it's not entirely up my alley as far as typical effects go, but I can see myself using this pedal in the future. It feels really "dynamic" to me, meaning that when I adjust my play style the pedal responds extremely well to what I am doing. When I play soft it's a minor filter that gives it some character, but when I play hard it really kicks it hard.


Nice effect, controls range from very subtle to way too much, very cool, lot of room for expirementing.


Although it's not a typical effect that I'd use a ton of, I'd still buy it just to play with and have fun.

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