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TS-808 or Rat 2


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Currently have the Rat 2 but thinking of getting the TS-808. I like the samples I've heard from the TS-808 and am thinking about trying it out. The Rat 2 sometimes lacks the warmth so when go from clean to distortion there is a noticable difference... and I'm not into the heavy distortion that I know the Rat 2 is capable of... I rarely let it go past 12 oclock on the dial...My question is how different would it be from my Rat 2? I feel like I only need one or the other because in some respects I feel like having both is superfluous....


any thoughts on what I should do.....

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I've had distortion boxes in the past (Rats included) and found that they never quite had the tone I heard in my head.

But the first time I used a TubeScreamer...that was it. That was the tone I was always looking for.

BTW, I use a Analogman modded TS-9DX so results may vary in the unmodded versions.

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Try this setting out:


Gain: 9 o'clock

Filter: 3 o'clock

Level: 3 o'clock


Your mileage may vary, but it's a pretty warm overdrive sound. I don't believe that the Rat has the same midrange boost that the Tubescreamers have, but I like this setting quite a bit for overdrive.

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Try this setting out:

Gain: 9 o'clock

Filter: 3 o'clock

Level: 3 o'clock

Your mileage may vary, but it's a pretty warm overdrive sound. I don't believe that the Rat has the same midrange boost that the Tubescreamers have, but I like this setting quite a bit for overdrive.



+1 that's about right. Level to taste, mine is at 1-1:30.


Rats are pretty hard to get used to, the controls don't react as you would expect them to.


I know you said you don't want both, but get both. Stacking the two gives you a whole variety of options.


I will say another thing about Rats, they sound better at practice or live than alone. The bass response is not the best, but if you are playing with a bass player, that really doesn't matter anymore.

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I use an 80's Rat 2 and a Keeley mod TS9. I don't think the two are alike at all.
The Rat is very versatile in front of a clean amp, does great low gain & high gain tones.
TS9 is more low to mid gain tones into a clean amp, and alot more midrangey.
Sounds at its best into a crunchy valve amp.
TS9 into Rat sounds amazing, harmonics everywhere :)

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I use an 80's Rat 2 and a Keeley mod TS9. I don't think the two are alike at all.

The Rat is very versatile in front of a clean amp, does great low gain & high gain tones.

TS9 is more low to mid gain tones into a clean amp, and alot more midrangey.

Sounds at its best into a crunchy valve amp.

TS9 into Rat sounds amazing, harmonics everywhere

you copy cat.... i have the same setup... LOL. I've tried to replace the ts with something else but no other od can really touch it. i do also like the mi blues pro and the greer relic drive tho.

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Oh I just noticed you are another Bass VI owner

I've just ordered my Highway One Tele as well. I almost got the Baja, but the colors made me vomit.

Very nice..... you'll love the highway one. it has the smoothest neck..

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How closes are the TS 808 clones? They said the TS 808 is close to the TS9 but I can tell a noticeable difference between the two.



Well, there you have it.


Try as many as you can get your hands on and buy the one you like best.

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+1 that's about right. Level to taste, mine is at 1-1:30.

Rats are pretty hard to get used to, the controls don't react as you would expect them to.



I actually found mine to really gel with my rig. It just really works well with my Traynor's clean channel and my Godin. I've been using the same settings since an hour after I got it, more or less.

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Well, it appears the TS-808 will have to wait. I found a Boss ME-50 on CL for $85 and I just couldn't pass it up. It has a model for the TS808.... Don't know how close it is to the actual one, but for now... it'll have to do...

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