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Pedal order

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Hey everyone!


I'm new to the boards, but not new to playing guitar.


I've had 6 pedals in my rig for a couple of years and was very happy with the chain I had going. However, I've gone on a shopping spree and accumulated 11 pedals in my rig over the past 2 years. I'm trying to get the best possible setup going and have been experimenting with new configurations.


I have (in this order from guitar to amp):


1) Dunlop Crybaby Wah

2) Boss TW-1 T-Wah

3) Maxon SD-9 Super Distortion


5) Digitech Whammy

6) Boss TR-2 Tremolo

7) Analog Man Chorus

8) Boss PH-2 Super Phaser

9) MXR Phase 90

10) Boss DD-3 Digital Delay

11) Line 6 Delay Modeler


Anyone have suggestions on how to order these badboys? I don't go thru the effects loop of my Marshall head. I just straight daisy chain (which I know is not the best way to set them up, but I'm planning on getting a bypass loop soon).


Any comments would be appreciated! Thanks!

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Digitech Whammy
Dunlop Crybaby Wah
Boss TW-1 T-Wah
Maxon SD-9 Super Distortion
Boss PH-2 Super Phaser
MXR Phase 90
Analog Man Chorus
Boss TR-2 Tremolo
Boss DD-3 Digital Delay
Line 6 Delay Modeler

You might want to try something like this, but you should experiment to see what sounds best to you.

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You should also try putting your trem after delay. It sounds cool. You could even put in between your 2 delays for the best of both worlds.



That's a good idea. You should also check out what a trem will do when you put it in front of your Boss TW-1.

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One more thing...what about if I got a DOD FX25 Envelope Filter? Would you guys put that where the wah/phaser goes in the chain or where the chorus goes?? I know it's a modulation pedal, but envelope filters act more like wahs don't they?

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One more thing...what about if I got a DOD FX25 Envelope Filter? Would you guys put that where the wah/phaser goes in the chain or where the chorus goes?? I know it's a modulation pedal, but envelope filters act more like wahs don't they?



It's not really a modulation pedal. The filter sweep is controlled by your playing dynamics, not by an LFO. It should go up near the front.

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I don't want to hijack this thread but I have heard many opinions on the Whammy placement. There seems to be mixed opinions on before or after dirt... what are the pros and cons of both? Please Discuss.

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Thanks for everyone's advice. After experimenting, this is what I ended up going with:

1) Dunlop Crybaby Wah
2) Boss TW-1 T-Wah
3) Maxon SD-9 Super Distortion
4) Digitech Whammy (Re-Issue)
5) Boss DD-3 Digital Delay
6) Boss PH-2 Super Phaser
7) MXR Phase 90
8) Analog Man Chorus
9) Boss TR-2 Tremolo
10) Line 6 DL-4 Delay Modeler

I stayed with the Whammy after distort because I noticed if I put the Whammy before distort, I was having some major noise issues even when I wasn't playing. I assume that's because the Whammy is noisy to begin with and if you put it before distort, you're sending a noisy signal which the distort increases the gain on. Also, I get better tracking from the Whammy as well.

I ended up taking EQ out because I hardly use it.

In this configuration, I've found I get the least amount of noise (close to silent), the least amount of tone loss, and the best sound from my pedals (I swear my MXR phaser sounds more crisp and less muddy now).

Hope my experience can help someone who's looking for a nice configuration.

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You could use this guy's method of pedal placement:

"I have a pedalboard that is 10 feet long and would not dare sacrifice a single effect for the sake of portability. My pedals are alphabetized so that I can easily find them in the middle of

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