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Axess Electronics BS2 VS. Super Duper

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Ok, if I have around 24 TB pedals in my chain, do you think I should go BS2 at hte start and end of my chain? Or a Super Duper at the beginning with Gain at minimum, using the other boost when I see fit?


Also, should I put the buffer before or after my fuzz? And does a boost before a fuzz cause the same negetive implications?

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neither. You problem is that you have 24 pedals. I would cut back, or if you muct have that many, then try a looper. If the looper doesn't help, get a buffer, be it a bs2 or sd21 or microamp or mosfet boost, etc etc.


and yes buffer will affect fuzz, expecially if the fuzz expects to see a low impedance signal.

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neither. You problem is that you have 24 pedals. I would cut back, or if you muct have that many, then try a looper. If the looper doesn't help, get a buffer, be it a bs2 or sd21 or microamp or mosfet boost, etc etc.

and yes buffer will affect fuzz, expecially if the fuzz expects to see a low impedance signal.



Cut back? preposterous. I need every single one of my pedals to be easily accessible.


So you are saying that with a buffer I can't theoretically power a guitar cable


I use an 8ft guitar cable, aroun 3"connectors between the pedals, an 8ft to the amp....


I have seen Kayzer's board, I'm sure he has many of the same issues.


Oh, and as for powering, 1.4A Godlyke + wallwarts and surge protector.

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