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ibanez multi-effect?

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what's the model of older ibanez multi effect with the old tubescreamer, a delay, and a flange i believe? but i think there might also be a 5 effect version of the same one. it's in a gold box i think, with switches for all the effecs, and the version i saw ( the only one) had a power cord hardwired to it. i've looked around but can't seem to figure out which model it is. thanks!

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it sounds like you were looking for the UE 400 series, though it sounds like you might have the modules between the 400 and 405 mixed up

there was also the DUE series which did have a distortion (though, I recall it being a bit more aggressive than the tubescreamer...but it's been a few years) and a (digital) delay and had a metallic facia (with sliders instead of knobs) so that may be the one you are thinking of
IIRC those used the IFC-60 foot controller (dont read that as gospel though)

I quite liked the sound of the UE series (particularly the 405)

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