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Compressor into Muff - Holy Canoli!


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So below is my current board w/ the descriptions. The band hasn't gotten together since I put the board together so tonight was the first I've played w/ it. In all honesty, the OD situation is totally overkill, but I had space on the board so I just put everything on there. Problem is, I love the OCD, TS9, and the 808 clone. I actually have another 808 clone on loan right now. But I'll eventually set the TS9 and one of the 808 clones aside as they're a bit overkill.


But I digress, man that BYOC 5 knob compressor into the BYOC Muff clone is awesome! W/ that Creamy Dreamer Mod... Talk about singing, violin-like leads! Daaaaanng! Add some boost to that and it gets all kindsa Nigel Tufnell on you (the sustain - you can go out and get a bite and come back, and whaaaaaa).


I did notice, however that the looping of the SMMH, though good, dulls the sound of your original signal a little bit. But it's still pretty cool. Man, my bandmates are gonna have a field day w/ me once they see this lates incarnation.





The DD-20 is pretty much just filler right now. I use the SMMH mostly. Most of the things are self-explanatory. The others are:


#2 - BYOC 5 knob compressor

#3 - 1983 TS9 modded to 808 specs

#8 - BYOC Muff w/ mids mod (scooped, flat, boost) and Creamy Dreamer Mod

#9 - GGG 808 clone w/ 'Landgraff' Clipping mod (3 position - 'stock', diode lift, LEDs) and Fat Boost mod (basically it just lifts one of the capacitors. Sounds too bassy to me. I'll eventually put a different switch in that allows me to choose different caps).

#11 - Clone of a popular boost

#13 - 4ms Tremulus Lune


This is a homemade board my dad and I came up w/. The bottom right switches are for triggering my Tremoverb's functions.


Link to Ginormous Pic


Pics of Board w/out pedals

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Was the compressor very hard to build? I'm thinking I need a comp of some sort for these country-pickin' folk I've been playing with, but it would be cool to run it into my triangle muff and see what happens.

Oh, and I like your popular boost klone, er, clone. :thu:

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I sure like your board.

Thanks man. I have a BYOC wah that I can't get sonding right. I think I'm gonna put my modded Crybaby board back in there b/c that sounded just fine. I use the Morley for volume pretty much. But I don't really use wah a lot, so maybe I'll scrap the Crybaby idea all together. :idk:

I'd really like to replace that DD-20 w/ and RE-20:love:

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I have a 2 knob byoc comp, I stopped using it because my playing improved a lot by just using a boost. I would like to try a comp with a blend knob though.

The blend knob is really cool. I like it at noon, but when I get more time to fart around w/ it I'll see what it's like at different settings. I'll prolly end up liking it w/ a little more clean dialed in. I'm not sure how long I'll keep this pedal - if it's really "me", b/c I like boost pedals too :) but for now, it's pretty damn cool!

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