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Just got a custom Mellowtone Hi 5 Booster pedal in a mini enclosure with a toggle to go between treble, clean, and "warm" boost. i can't comment on how it sounds as my amp is currently at my drummer's house, but it looks well built and letsgocoyote built it ridiculously fast for me at a very fair price and he wasn't sure about fitting a toggle in and we originally planned to just socket it, but he went above and beyond my expectations and made what looks like one hell of a pedal!!! i might get a chance to try it tonight, so i'll report back about how it sounds.








sorry for the crappy pictures, the third one is for size comparison (next to a mini looper and my melxotone)

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i tried the hi5 at a gig tonight (without testing it, not smart, but it worked well) the thing just sounded awesome. i've always liked clean boosts more than overdrives and this thing was dead silent and gave me plenty of boost. it doesn't have a ton of gain on tap, but anything over like 12 db in front of a tube amp doesn't sound that great to me. the scratchy pot is a little annoying (anyone know the technical reason why a few builders use these) but i can see it being cool for noise in front of a delay or something. all in all, this pedal kicks ass and fills the space on my pedal board perfectly.


a big thumbs up for letsgocoyote and mellowtone.

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