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Digitech Synth Wah?


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Yeah definitely. Tracking is lag-free. Some of the modes don't like chords, others do ok with chords. Bypass is good, didn't detect any tone loss. For the money, it's got LOTS of noise making potential. Killer synth basslines with guitar for looping etc.

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It's a pretty fun pedal for the money. You can pick one up used for like $40. The bypass is obviously buffered, but it's not bad (in my opinion at least, I'm not really obsessed about that kinda thing).

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You can pick one up used for like $40.


There's a guitar store not too far from me that's had a used one in the case for a while. I've been tempted to pick it up. I think they want $45 for it. :D


Some of the modes not being able to handle chords is about what I'd expect. I used to have a Filter Pro, and the more synth-flavored effects were all monophonic.


How's it handle vibrato?

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The Synth Wah and the XP-1000 are the only Digitech pedals that I own. I really like them, but I think they are most useful to guys like me who like to experiment with using guitars for electronica (techno, dance, new wave, disco, etc.). The Synth Wah approximates the EHX MicroSynth, Mutron III (or Qtron), EHX Bassballs, and an autowah (which is too thin sounding as a rock wah, but useful for electronic swirl textures).


Here's my Synth Wah soundclip contribution: http://soundclick.com/share?songid=5925063

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I can't play with either : /

I will buy it via internet.


cdawzrd, i just saw you have a micro q-tron.. what do you think of it?



Amazing on guitar. Good on bass, but not as flexible as its big brother which makes it harder to dial in the right tones on bass. My solution is to run it through a wet/dry blend looper, and then it sounds awesome on bass.

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I'm into indie / experimental / electronica stuff too, Fender&EHX4ever.

That's why i want a digitech synth wah
Do you own the guitar or the bass one?


I have the guitar one. I have not tried the bass one. It is a good effect for the price, and fun to turn the knobs. I recommend it. :thu:

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And how does it compare to the Line 6 FM-4?



the fm-4 is way more glitchier! i almost always have to use my neck pickup and depending on what i am trying to do i have to palm mute a lot . i never really have any glitch problems with the digitech, but i mainly use the 3rd setting with long swells.

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i love mine. ive gotten some very interesting nin type guitar sounds from it. ive played a lot on the ehx microsynth as well. its cool and i like it, but for cheaper you almost get everything the microsynth can do. the synth wah is not leaving my board anytime soon.

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