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Pedals Sounding Dull

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This may be a silly question :facepalm:


When I run my regular effects pedals through my 5150, they sound much duller than when I run them through other amps like my Marshall AVT50. What could be causing this? The generally cold bias of the 5150? The power tubes severely coloring the tone? The speakers/cab (I actually doubt this one, b/c these speakers are brighter than other speakers)?


Thanks for your input.

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some amps are much more sensitive to the impedance the input sees, I have a feeling the 5150 is probably this way.


Also using effects designed for the front of the amp in the loop usually never sound that good.


Or your amp is {censored}ed up, kinda hard to say really.


sorry, vague question, vague answers.

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The signal from your guitar is high impedance whereas the output from any effect pedals will be low impedance so that it can pass the signal down a longer length of cable without causing treble loss. Some pedals work much better with a high impedance input (a lot of germanium pedals such as the Fuzz Face for instance are well known for this) and so it is conceivable that an amp too may react better when connected directly to a guitar. Having said all that I doubt it's the case seeing as the amp was made for EVH and I doubt he has ever conected directly to an amp without pedals in between!


All pedals need re-eq'ing when moving from one amp to another so that may be one thing. It may also be time for a rechooob. When you play both amps dry does the 5150 sound duller anyway?

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