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New OLC Darth Fader tube tremolo - you can haz clips

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I got the new OLC Darth Fader in the mail on Tuesday. It's the prototype model shown above. I'm not sure when the production run will be available - hopefully soon.


The sine wave seems less mechanical than other trems I've used, though I haven't tried many for comparison. Anyway, I've been wanting a tremolo that gets that old school surfy/James Bond soundtrack sound, and I think this will nail that. It put a smile on my face fo sho.


Controls are rate, depth and gain. It can get very choppy at high depth, but has no square wave option, so it's not an on/off thing, but oONn/offff. You can also back off on the trem completely and use it as a straight up tube boost.


It runs off of a supplied 12v AC adapter. The tube glows a sexy orange color. Oh yes.


Some clips:


Gear used:

Fender Telecaster, with 11 gauge flatwound strings:

OLC Professor Tweed

ROG Tonemender (clean boost/tone shaper thing)


OLC Darth Fader

Danelectro Spring King

Recorded direct into Guitar Rig 2


From moderate to extreme speed/depth


Surfy setting - James Bond & Shake Some Evil

How Soon Is Now?

Trying for that Johnny Marr Sound (but failing at keeping the rhythm)

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Yes, for gigging, if you're concerned you can protect the tube with one of these:



That does not offer much protection. If your really worried about it you can use a bigger enclosure and drop the tube lower and cover it like the Mesa and Budda pedals do.


Can we get a gut shot? I want to see how big the board is.

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That does not offer much protection. If your really worried about it you can use a bigger enclosure and drop the tube lower and cover it like the Mesa and Budda pedals do.

Can we get a gut shot? I want to see how big the board is.



I'll try to get a gut shot this weekend. I really think the socket would be ample enough protection, barring mosh girl coming up on stage and stomping all over your gear.

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