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Kiss appreciation thread!


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Just getting back into their '70's stuff since I got the dvd collection pt.1. Just to keep it pedal related, I was getting very close to their live sound with my Hamer Studio and Menatone Blue Collar through a Traynor Ycv40wr. I didn't even have to break out the Marshall. Don't pretend they're not the hottest band in the land. Fun stuff to play.

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You aren't going to see much love around here. I tried to show some love for KISS last year, and the response was discouraging:

Well, Kiss was my first concert-'79 or '80, and Alive II was probably my first hard rock album, other than Alice Cooper. The guy that said Kiss is a brand, not a band, I disagree. They may have become that, but their early stuff was great.

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Jan. 1978 was my first rock concert... Ace "sealed the deal" and I knew I had to have a real Gibson Les Paul. Great stuff... not serious music but it was fun... and as a teenager in the 70's, that's what I wanted: have fun, play guitar, meet girls... KISS was all about that.


Like a lot of the guys on here (more than will probably admit) I had there first 10 albums or so (everything thru Dynasty, including solo albums). After that I sorta' out grew 'em (more into guitarist like Betts, Rossington, Duane, SRV, BB, etc.) but it is still fun to go back to some of their old stuff from time-to-time and have some fun again.


I was lucky enough to take my son (he was 4 at the time and loved Ace) to see 'em a few years back. It was his first rock concert and it felt really cool since my dad took me to my first (KISS) concert about 25 year before... things had come full circle.



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I never really got into them. The music always seemed secondary to their image, and marketed to young kids. I grew up in the 80's so at that point, their best days were behind them. When I started to get into music from that time period (the '70's), it was all about Zeppelin & Sabbath. I think the material of those 2 bands has held up over the years better than the Kiss stuff.

I do dig some of their songs and they are certainly fun to play on the guitar. Also, I really dig Ace Frehly. He's more rock n' roll than the other 3 members combined. Gene Simmons makes me want to puke.

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I think it depends on how old you are. They were my gateway to Zeppelin. Of course they're not serious but for good time r&r, krank up Alive or Alive II, preferably the first one. I dare you not to like it.:poke:

I can't believe I spelled crank with a K-must be Krank's METAL MARKETING at work. Totally subconscious.

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I traded Led zeppelin 4 for "Kiss the originals" the first 3 albums in a box set, (I'm talking vinal albums here kid's) and at least 30 years later I still don't regret it. Back then, KISS kicked Zep's ass to me, at 13 years old, Blue Oyster Cult, and Alice Cooper were favorite's as well. No acounting for taste I guess.

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AAAh, kiss.. That brings back memories from when I was a wee kid :lol:
I used to listen to "Best of Kiss" over and over again. 10+ years later I still dig many of their songs.
Sure know something, God of Thunder, etc. Good stuff :cool::thu:

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I traded Led zeppelin 4 for "Kiss the originals" the first 3 albums in a box set, (I'm talking vinal albums here kid's) and at least 30 years later I still don't regret it. Back then, KISS kicked Zep's ass to me, at 13 years old, Blue Oyster Cult, and Alice Cooper were favorite's as well. No acounting for taste I guess.



I think I bought "The Originals" on 8-track. Long gone now but I have them on cd. Those are my favorites outside of Live. Alive II and the albums that led up to it are good too but the first ones are the best imo. Firehouse, Black Diamond, 100,000 Years, Deuce, Rock Bottom, Cold Gin, etc.

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