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NPD: Analogman content


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Haven't had a chance to plug it in here at my shop, but will try to give a report and maybe some sound clips when I get home tonight. I've had the stock pedal since November...and it was great stock, but the volume drop was killing me. Decided it needed some Analogman love and a new LED.









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you can just have done a c4 mod.. heheh..clips would be nice



The C4 mod doesn't install a trim pot to adjust the volume, it doesn't completly fix the volume issue and also doesn't swap the cheap componants for better quality ones.


Have you done an A/B with the Analogman and the C4 mod?


Sounds like 2 different pedals.

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bump for clips:idk:



Haven't had a chance to record anything. Unexpected guests from out of town are staying with us for a few days. As soon as I get a chance, I'll post them.

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