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YouTube: Building a track from 1 sample


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"Ladies and Gentlemen..."




"I give you the obligatory negative comment in a positive thread... " :D


Well at least it wasn't Umbra... ;)


Someone has to say this... there was nothing remarkable about this process and the "track" was pretty ordinary. Delay and moving startpoints? "Hey, I have sampler! omgwtfbbq!!"

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Orange, instead of the literal finger-point, were you impressed, encouraged, or otherwise inspired by the video? You're the one after all who called it what it is, "a basic sampler function". Zoom back ten years and it would have amazed me a little more than it does in 2007.

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Well I was only jesting really, but yes I was kinda impressed.. mainly because its a reminder that you don't need that much gear to create music... Roomfulls of gear do seem to stifle the process to extent, yet a remote keyboard hooked up to live with the right mappings does allow a certain focus...


btw I didn't realise you could change start points in samples dynamically on samplers from the past (I confess the only sampler I owned was a W30 back in 1988)..

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Yeah, I can't slight the guy for doing his thing - heck, that process is the stock and trade of the Machinedrum UW. I'll also fall back to saying that I have no idea what the capabilities of samplers have been over time, so if moving start and end points is a newer idea, then I'm glad to be here in the present.

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Someone has to say this... there was nothing remarkable about this process and the "track" was pretty ordinary. Delay and moving startpoints? "Hey, I have sampler! omgwtfbbq!!"



Yeh - agree - but I dont think that was realy the point - more to illustrate sampling and hacking around in live?


For sample start/loop time manipulation in real time - the freebie "Simpler" that ships with Live seems to be much better than the hugely expensive "Sampler" plugin.


The only thing that annoys me is I havnt find a sampler yet (other than the machine drum) that lets you easily real manipulate the start and end times in quantised time. Just a huge shame the sampling on the MD is very lofi/grainy - ie 12 bit which kind of kills it for alot of what I want to mangle.

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What I can't understand about Ableton is that they have a sampler... and they also have algorithms for pitch shifting without changing the length of the sample... so why don't they combine them together for a potential VSynth-like plug in? Imagine samples that could be played from a keyboard in sync... without speeding up or slowing down...

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Where have you been for the past 10 years?



mmm that would be middle school, high school, and university. :p


I haven't done a lot of work with sample-based music, so I enjoyed seeing a basic video about it (as it seems a few other users have). I typically get my sounds through preset-tweaking on romplers or building them on a VA, so this is rather new to me.


I'm sure it's quite basic to someone who's been around long enough to have learned on a Fairlight ;)


Actually, one could probably use this as an example of advanced technology getting in the way of inspring people to work with it...

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Yeh - agree - but I dont think that was realy the point - more to illustrate sampling and hacking around in live?



As for why he made the video, I think it's just a fan relations thing than anything else. The band is a synth pop group, and I bet a lot of their fans just say "hey look, he has a computer up there!!" and have no idea what's going on.


So it's a nice little vid to explain.

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