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Got my Killer Ant in the mail today!! First impressions...

C Fuzz

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Now THIS is an at home tube practice amp. I always thought the 5 watters were too much at home when wanting to get some tube break up, but not enough for jamming with a band.

First off, the clean sound... WOW! it is the best I have ever heard. I have never liked any solid state cleans at all, and yeah I have only owned a handful of tube amps (Royal 8, Valve Jr., Little Giant) so consider that, but I think this amp is soo sweet for cleans. Around 9:00 is perfect, any higher than that it starts to get some slight break up.

From there basically the more you turn it up the dirtier it gets, and it is really nice sounding, blows away the Little giant and Valve Jr when it comes to tone.

It still is too loud to crank if your wife is in the other room trying to watch TV or your kid is trying to sleep, but it is fine for during the day.

Even at full volume it doesn't hurt your ears like a 5 watter does, it IS loud, but not too loud. Just sounds good, perfect if you got a friend to play bongos (like Mathew Mconaughy)

So there is my review after a couple of hours playing, the main thing is the TONE and the volume. It is PERFECT for home (as long as you don't need much clean headroom at all).

So go ahead and sell your Fender Champion 600/Royal 8/Valve Jr/Little Giant... and get the KILLER ANT!!!



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