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Ebay selling tips


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Ok I'm gonna list some stuff. Don't do it very often and pretty much hate it but anyway ... what works best? Do you guys set a minimum? When should the auction end in order to get the most last minute bids? If I'm gonna go to all the trouble I might as well get the most out of it.

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It's best to start/end the auction in the evening. I've had good luck with late Sunday evenings in terms of last minute bids. I've never used reserves...I just start the bidding about 20% lower than I'm expecting to get, and make it look really good. I always end up getting at least what I'm expecting when I do this, many times more.

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Totally agree with bvester. I've been on ebay since 1997 and the best way to sell stuff is to get really good photos, be totally honest in your description, take your time to research what to expect for it and then start at least 20% if not more lower than that. If you're really brave then start at 0.99 cents and hang on to your hat. Forget BIN unless you wanna get rid of it really quickly - only use BIN if you are selling way below similar items.


Hey everyone wants to get top $ for their stuff but you've got to be realistic.

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forget auctions....BINOBO is the best and quickest way to go.



I've never had any luck with that, always end up with a bunch of watchers waiting for me to drop the BIN down or a bunch of $12 offers


I usually do a 7 or 5 day, always ending on sunday night. Start price a little below what I want to get with a BIN a little bit higher - like starting bid $99 BIN $140, not those people who do starting $135 BIN $140.


Used to do the .99 start but I'm not so brave anymore. Sold an old Ibanez flanger like that, they had been going $70-80, mine ended at $28

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How do you know where to set the price for a BIN/OBO? I mean, I don't want to relist stuff but I want to get the most out of the auction. If I can't sell the stuff on here ... I want to get as much $$ as possible.



Just search for completed listings, that will give you an idea of the going rate...set the BIN price at the highest price. It is of course up to you what you accept on offers....it's better for me because I'm in control of what I sell for, not the bidders (which I prefer) and things usually sell within a day or two rather than a week.

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I've never had any luck with that, always end up with a bunch of watchers waiting for me to drop the BIN down or a bunch of $12 offers



I sold all my last lot of pedals like that and doubled my money on most of then (which I won on auction) I paid

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As somebody who scours ebay daily for deals, I don't even look at the "Buy it now" only stuff. I just click the "auctions only" tab and I don't even see those other listings. Most of the BIN stuff is overpriced crap from online stores and not worth my time.


Part of the fun of ebay is the thrill of the hunt, and half the time it turns into a big sniping contest at the end.


I recommend starting with a reasonable price that you can live with, but low enough to attract interest, and no reserve. You can add a BIN price that isn't over the top as well, but don't go BIN only. Ending in the evening is good as well.

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