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Does Best Buy Change Things???

Ronsonic B

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Maybe i dunno, it kinda like:


hey mom i want "guitar hero/rockband"


mom: how about a real guitar? oh look theres a mini guitar center here


kid: really a real guitar??? cool ill be much cooler with a real guitar, then i can star a band, and play gigs and get a record deal, just like in guitar hero/rockband, ill be rich and famous in no time


Mom: ummm Sure


but it could make things a bit harder i hope not

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I've been in the music section... they don't have any gear I actually want. It is geared more towards beginners and people that don't know a lot about gear. They did have a vox ac30 and deluxe reverb reissue at mine, but those were the only cool things there. Unless they really expand and start stocking Orange, G&L, and zvex/fulltone/ehx.... I don't think I'll buy anything there except for strings and picks.

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To me, an old guy, it's a big deal that some mass market consumer electronics chain has moved into our industry. Does this change the way anybody else thinks of buying music gear?

Is this going to affect your purchasing? Other people you know?

Just curious.


Ehhhh, I'm not too surprised. But, i don't DISlike it.


Guitar Centers are usually not close, and if I really need to pick something up, it's much easier to stop by a Best Buy rather than making the drive to a GC or something.


I kinda like it? :poke:



Oh, you're from Tampa! I'm in the Brandon area. :wave:

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