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Best source for free sound FX?


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I don't know where else to post this, but I'm looking for free sound fx for a video game I'm making. The last time I went on a free sound site, I gots teh viruses, so I want to ask here first. I'd prefer not to, but could torrent stuff if it comes down to that.

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what kind of game/sounds?

free or just royalty free?



I'm looking for an all purpose site that will cover everything, but specifically, at the moment, I'm looking for real-life gun sounds for a scrolling shooter, 1942 style. At the moment royalty free will do, it's all temporary anyway. I'm using stock WWII graphics right now, but once I'm done coding all the game mechanics I'm going to redraw the whole thing myself as a space shooter called Interstellar Overdrive, and make all the sound FX with a synth.

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For place holders I'd think you'd want totally free for placeholders (as opposed to just royalty free where you still pay for the sample collection, but can use them in derivative works)


suggestion just use mouth sound FX... "peeoww", etc -- esp since it's just place holder resources anyway...sides, it'd be funny as {censored}


what kinda tools are ya using?

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That first site worked alright, didn't quite get what i was looking for, but got some other cool sounds.



For place holders I'd think you'd want totally free for placeholders (as opposed to just royalty free where you still pay for the sample collection, but can use them in derivative works)

suggestion just use mouth sound FX... "peeoww", etc -- esp since it's just place holder resources anyway...sides, it'd be funny as {censored}

what kinda tools are ya using?



I misunderstood what you meant by royalty free, I definitely don't want to do that. I could just use my mouth for FX, I actually thought of using that already in a game where the concept is, is that it's a game designed by an angry 10 year old boy.


I'm just using game maker right now, learning the ropes and such. They have simple tutorials on how to make certain types of games, and I'm using them as a spring board for my own. Fortunately the type of games I want to make, 2-D side scrollers, aren't too hard to code.


I plan on using my Alesis Ion for the sounds and some of the music, I have a Toneport for recording, and if I decide to draw the pictures on the computer, I'll use a Wacom tablet, although I might just draw them by hand and scan it. I haven't really decided yet. I built my PC last Christmas from newegg parts, a 2.6 Intel Dual Core with 2 Gig of ram should be plenty for what I'm doing.


Other things I might do is see if someone here wants to tackle the soundtrack, once I get the game finished. It will be mostly covers of early Can, Syd Barrett, and electronic Raymond Scott tracks off Manhattan Research. I might even throw an M.I.A. song in there. Having them be covers will solve a two-fold purpose, not having to pay for rights, and making the soundtrack be more unified.

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