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Anybody build/use the BYOC compressor?

Secret Seasons

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I have the 5 knob, if that's what you're asking about. I had to order a second PCB b/c I screwed up the first. There are a lot of parts, but if you take your time (which I apparently didn't the first time) you should be fine. The problem for me now is I tossed the 2k trimpot that came w/ the kit and only had a 1k and a 5k laying around so I put the 1k in there and I can't get a clean enough sound. Some distortion is expected, but I think I have too much. I'm either gonna put the 5k in there and tweak carefully or just get a 2k in my next Mouser order.

I don't like that unity gain seems to be at 9:00. Other than that, it's cool. i've not had comps before so I don't really know what to compare it to (I had a DOD, but that doesn't count). I like it in the beginning of the signal chain and w/ my Muff. Awesome for those fuzzy/synthy singing leads!

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alright, thanks for the info folks. it'd actually be my first BYOC build so I imagine it'll be a challenge, but a fun one. I've been meaning to dive into this for ages and I just sold my compressor so I thought maybe this would be a good way to start. I'll definitely do the "confidence booster" first though ;)

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