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I FINALLY got a digicam and therefore took pics of my rig. Pr0n!


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Yep. My only amp for now, after I went through a VC15 and a TT50, both gone... the TT financed the Les Paul :D

I replaced all the big electrolytics on the AOR and swapped out the speaker for a Cannabix Rex. Also revalved it and rebiased it.

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Nah it's a Nokia something. All three times I bought a phone, I got the cheapest in the store, always been a Nokia, they never broke either!


The Metal I is great! Threw the Duncan Power Grid and the AMT P1 out of my board on the 'metal pedal' slot. Cuts better, EQ is just as versatile, cleans up well if needed. It's just a very nice pedal, for very cheap.

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Aye I would if there were any :( I'm in Scotland and we're very, very far up North here (further than Toronto I think?). Daylight ends at around 5 though of course we're gaining sun time. My flat is pointing North too so there's just not much natural light penetrating deep in the room.


Ok, and I know absolutely jack about photography :lol:

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