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I like that post from that guy the other day who had been on here since 2001 and only posted like 35 times. That's the record to beat.



I know, those are the post counts that impress me. But OP, congrats on 1000. I remember when I got to 1000. I thought it was kind of neat, since I had never gotten to 1000 posts on a forum before. A week or so ago, I passed 3000, and I was was like "eh, whatever".

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I like that post from that guy the other day who had been on here since 2001 and only posted like 35 times. That's the record to beat.



LOL! thanks man. i had like 500 posts but the site crashed a few years back and i lost them all........ i must be like king lurker lol.


I only post now to buy stuff and make fun of naterel.


But anyway congrats on 1000!

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