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The Pedal Pimp reviews an SRB808 Dual Drive

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I'm back.... Now new and improved with an embedded video (thanks, Netstar!)


Hot off the presses, er, video machine is the latest installment of da Pedal Pimp... Wherein I compare an SRB808 Dual Overdrive to a real deal vintage Ibanez TS-808 Tube Screamer....




This is the first installment in the series "Clone Wars!" where pedal clones do battle with the vintage pedals they are copies of.


These episodes were all shot at that venerable Madison institution, Smart Studios, where the likes of Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, and (of course) Garbage have recorded.


Other installments in the "Clone Wars" series include comparisons of a vintage Ram's Head Big Muff and a Stress FX clone of the same... We also did a comparison of an Analoman NKT 275 Sunface to the fuzz in the Captain Coconut 2, but we didn't have a vintage Fuzz Face to compare them to.


We also shot an episode demonstrating a couple of REALLY vintage phasers, a Mutron II and a Roland Jet Phaser. Two completely different but equally cool vintage units.


And then we shot a demonstration of a modern version of an analog synth similar to the one Pink Floyd used on "Dark Side of the Moon."


We used some of the vintage amps they had on hand for the pedal demos, including a nice blackface Super Reverb, an old Marshall halfstack, a vintage top-boost AC30, and a Supro Thunderbolt....


So stay tuned, there's a whole buttload more to come...




MP (aka The Pedal Pimp)



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Bump for a great pedal and good review. I recently got a SRB808+ Dual OD and have to say it's great. You can stack the ODs or use them independently.


The clipping selector switch allows for: 3 OD clipping sounds:

Down = Vintage TS808 with better clarity and bass response

Center = Cleanboost with gain down or Dumble OD with gain up

Up = Marshall OD


I like it in the center (dumble-like) on one and down (808 style) on the other. The center setting is nice and clear (doesn't alter your eq) and with the gain up it lead tones GLOW.

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