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Ableton Lite or logic express


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how to choose...:confused:


i guess heres what im trying to do, record my chiptunes, guitar, microkorg and er-1.


but i also want to use drum plugins and synth plugins.


i dont need the 'full' version so ive already made up my mind to go with thew express or lite.


i just want to know which you guys favor more than the other.



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If you like to improvise as much as record, then go with Ableton. If you just want to record with audio and MIDI, go with Logic, although you can jam with any DAW really, it's just that Ableton is set up best to do that. Logic has better recording tools and instruments, although Ableton is improving a lot in that area.

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Being a huge fan of Ableton Live for sometime now I think that I will be excused to state the following.


"Ableton LE SUCKS!!!" (the only good thing about it is that the upgrade to the full version is a real bargain)


Oh by the way the LE stands for "Limited Extremely" .


Do not even bother , use your Logic . ;)

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I originally started playing with Live and found I mostly thought in "arrangement window" terms and live's isn't great for that unless you just want to use it more like a canvas, and then fight with the arrangement in the end. Switching back and forth between arrangement and session didn't work for me.


One problem I had is that I frequently wanted to switch all clips in a scene when the longest one ended, or complicated things like that, which I found to be hard to do.


Recently just playing with Logic, the arrangement view in logic is better, definitely, but neither has a great MIDI editor (IMHO) and the Logic plugins aren't as super-fantastic as I thought they would be relative to Ableton.


Still, I picked it up for the arrangement view, and that is most definitely better. Not perfect, but better.


I think it's ultimately down to how "loop based" your music is, or whether, as the app is named, you actually want to do "Live" type stuff with it.


I will give them some credit in one area though -- the UI. the "all on one screen" UI in live, as well as the way you bind MIDI controls to things, is great. However it does lack some fundamental things that people seem to get done by using external apps and MIDI apps that translate things to keyboard events -- I have no idea why that never gets included in the core product.


Ableton does have more "MIDI plugin" type things, such as non-destructive transpose, software arpeggiators that are easily tweakable, and so on.


Ultimately I wish Ableton would just get a non-sucky arrangement view and I'd be happy with just using that -- though I think I wish I really only bought Logic... without a better arrangement window, Ableton doesn't really work for me.

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Like mentioned, don't bother with Ableton LE, it's a cruel crippled joke. No midi clock sync, no midi out - so that eliminates integration of your Electribes and such....no instrument/effect racks, only 2 VST/AUs per project, no clip envelopes - which are crucial if you want to get tweaky with your audio, and perhaps the BIGGEST slap in the face of all - NO TRACK FREEZING. You're better off picking up Live 5 for a song. When 7 comes out Live 6 will probably start showing up for less.


If you want to get really tweaky with manipulating your audio and want a good live instrument as well, Ableton is your best choice IMO. The interface is a bit of a trade off for the options it give you, but an acceptable one.

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I am by no means a live kind of person, but I'd be inclined to just buy Logic Studio and get Mainstage then if your live use just means being able to play instrument/effects -- the Light version of Ableton IS useless because it imposes heinous evil track limits (it's something like 4, I think!) among other things. However if your Live usage means sample on the fly and all that, play against recorded samples, and all that, you would need live. So how's that for a vague answer?


Unfortunately you might end up with both :)


For starters, download the latest live demo. You can do everything except save, and you can check out the arrangement views and what all to see if you like them. Unfortunately Logic Express has no demo, just think of it as a non-sucky Garage Band on steroids if you need a basic comparison :)

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I would recommend Logic express for the fact it's easier to navigate and less processor intensive the track-freeze function is a plus. apleton live is very processor intensive and you better have a lot of user ram. in live the only way to optimize is to adjust the buffer size

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I'll revise my advice above. Logic Express absolutely--huge powerful program--and then spring for MacProVideo Logic 101 training video which lists for $50 but is less for the download. Worth every penny if you plan on actually using the software. They have sample videos if you want to check them out.


Oh, and I use Logic Express live. I don't do live looping, I just run instruments and it works brilliantly for that.

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