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2 Questions: Looking for a great clean boost, and a good cable kit. Help me out

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Title says alot. I'm looking for a great, totally tone-unaffecting boost. I have an TS-808 if I want that mid hump, but now I'm looking for something just to give me MORE without the honk.


I've been looking at the Duncan Pickup Booster, MXR Micro Amp, and the CAE MC-401. All a clear, 1 button, 1 knob dB boost. Anyone have any experience with them? I've had a chance to play the SD boost, and it's nice. There are no Micro-amps or CAE in my area (there might be a micro-amp somewhere I'm sure.. gotta be a common pedal), so I'm looking for tips.


Secondly, once I get my Gorm-board made (yay cheepz) I'm going to want to rewire everything, and am looking for a cabling kit to get it set up. I've heard concerns about the George L connectors; as many as I have good comments on the cable. Any feelings about the Planet Waves cable kit? Know a place for some great solderless connectors and some spool cable? Help me out.



Looking forward to anyone's replies.

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I'm not the most informed person when it comes to the clean boost thing, but I've used an MXR Micro Amp for a few years and I don't have a problem with it. As far as I can tell, it does what it's supposed to; keeps my tone the same, but just makes it louder.


As for the cable kits, I use George L's and I love them. It does take a bit of getting used to with the kits, as if you do it wrong they short out pretty quickly, but once you get the hang of it they're pretty good.

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