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So I'm Changing Up My Board, What Should I Get?


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The DL-4 has alot of uses other than it's "quarter note" delays, ie the looper and the volume swell (which I LOVE). Go with the DL-4. I love mine. The Nova is really nice but pretty pricey and I don't think you get as many presets? I think...maybe...So the DL-4 is like having 3 different delays with a tap tempo all in one (allbeit it is pretty large).

If you're looking for a reverb you should hit up a Tech 21 Boost RVB. It has a boost function (eliminates common volume drop issues), is really versatile and sounds really organic! Not to mention it is practically the same price as the comparable EHX pedal you are looking into (the Tech 21 is $5 more...). I'm looking into getting one pretty soon here...

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