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Carbon Copy hum/noise


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I just picked up a MXR Carbon Copy a couple of days ago and I'm running it in the loop of my Mesa DC-10 after my MXR 10-band. My amp is almost dead silent until I click on my Carbon Copy and I get a ton of hum and a whirling noise (I tried all different settings and it's the same on all of them)...is this normal or should I exchange the unit for a different one?

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Do you have the mod on?


What are you using to power it?


If the answer is yes to the first question, that's where some of the whirling noise is coming from... but it shouldn't be that loud. If you're using a cheap power supply, that may have something to do with it as well. But regardless, you shouldn't be getting that much noise from it. I never get excess noise with mine. If you're able to, exchange it for another CC. But whatever you do, don't give up on the Carbon Copy, it's an amazing pedal.


Also, analog delays in general put out SOME amount of noise; that's the beauty of it. And the whirling noise will make you :love: when you're really able to see it's potential after getting rid of the hum.


I recommend powering it with either an MXR power supply or the PP2+.


EDIT: Most FX loops are gonna give you hum, that's just a fact. And I've heard quite a few people complain about hum in FX loops in Mesa amps.

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