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Carl Martin Plexi Tone

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I've got one. I think it sounds pretty good. Very similar to the sound in that demo pedal. I tried using it through a Fender Twin, and something about that amp doesn't like the Plexitone too much. The highs get very piercing, and its very hard to hear any other frequencies through the mix. I think this pedal works alot better with darker/mid-heavy amps and closed back cabinets. It is a pedal that produces alot of bass, so it has a tendency to be very un-focused when playing through an open-back cab at higher volumes. But, I've used it with an old 4 watt Silvertone amp cranked, and gotten some really smooth gain sounds out of it.


At the end of the day, I guess I'm more of an overdrive or fuzz guy. I prefer to get my distortion from my amps, and most pedals that try to copy the tone of a classic amp (i.e., Plexi), always fall short of the mark. It is 90% of a Plexi, but not quite there, and it is a tough pedal to match with an amp.


However, I keep telling myself that I'm going to get rid of it, and I never do. The boost function is very useful, and it sounds just good enough to hang on to.

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