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My Big Muff gets tired


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Seems the EHX pedals are pretty mental whe it comes to reliability. I've got a 6 month old Big Muff w/tw and somethings up with the volume pot - at max it's maxed, but as you turn it down the volume drops very quickly so that even with the tone off, unity gain is at like 3:00!




Oh,with tone bypassed too? if so that doesnt seem normal,unity should be about 10/11 o'clok in bypass mode.

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Oh,with tone bypassed too? if so that doesnt seem normal,unity should be about 10/11 o'clok in bypass mode.



Yeah that's what I thought - I know with the mid scoop of the tone circuit you need to turn the volume up, but when I first got this thing switching the tone off would put unity gain back to like 11, like you say - now it's much higher, and maxing out the volume makes it seem a little woofy so it's hard to get it right.

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