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Got my jazzmaster back!


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had to take it in to be professionally set up since i wasn't comfortable about trying to fix a slight warping of the neck by myself, decided that whilst it was there it may as well have the whole works.


just got it back today with a properly straight neck, levelled frets, set up bridge, intonated blah blah blah and PROFESSIONALLY CLEANED!


plays like a dream and i'm glad they managed to get rid of the blood that i wasn't able to :poke:



they put some weird oil {censored} on the strings that 'makes it play fast' but my fingers keep slipping off, won't take long to wear through it though i guess.


TL : DR:

jazzmasters rule, pro setups are good.



EDIT: thread is worthless without pics. so here's an action shot from sometime last year (i don't have any recent pics here :cry:)


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I love Jazzmasters, and Fender offsets in general.


The heavy strings part is right. I stick with 11's on everything.


I can also sympathize for the waiting. I ordered one of the Blacktop Jazzmasters about a week ago - it should ship out any time now, but damn is the wait killing me.


Jazzmasters are just the kind of guitars that you want around. :thu:

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