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Analog module for live performance


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I used to have my JX8P used along with JV90 as keyboard controller and JV2080 as sound module. Now I'm looking to replace the JX8P

with an analog module, which should be easy to operate/control and still able to provide warm analog pads and leads.


I thought about either the MKS70 or MKS80, but the MKS70 is not very strong as a lead machine while the MKS80 is too sharp sounding for some applications and too valuable to let it out for shows...


How about MKS50 ? I used to have an Alpha Juno which wasn't so bad...

Also, as a 1U unit it shouldn't be too heavy to carry. Or any other suggestions ?

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Well, I'm really not after a 2000$ unit, more at the direction of 200$ (MKS50 ?). Need good Chorus/Roland type stereo pads and some analog leads.


When you mentioned MKS-80 that door was opened, my first thought was a Prophet 08 too. ;)


The P08R is pretty reasonably priced, especially second hand. But I wonder whether you'd be able to find a used one over there.

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As I said the plan was having an additional 3-4 octave controller and a module, just for not having to carry a huge and heavy polysynth...


But now when I realize that the Juno 106 is both light weighted/sized and sounds great, this sounds like a good idea... but can it get preset

calls via MIDI ?


As for reliability - I can always replace with clones... ;)

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Gil, I'm curious about what makes the MKS-70 "...
not very strong as a lead machine
..." ?

Particularly if you've got the PG800, the MKS70 has the goods to program up a convincing lead, no?


You might be right... Well what I meant was that it sounds too gentle for some applications, while the MKS80 on the other hand can sound too aggressive. :rolleyes:

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Here's an MKS-50 plus programmer listed locally...

Personally I like digitals for analog emulation in a live setting. It's impossible for anyone other than maybe a total purist to hear any differences through all the noise and racket.



Wow... that's a lot of money.... i bought my MKS--50/PG-300 combo for $250... they sure have jumped up in price. My PG-300 was even new old stock, still sealed in the box.


I don't 100% agree with you that digital can emulate analog in the live or studio situation.


There's certain tones and sounds that my ATC-1 makes that I just can't get out of a VA...

Same with my Syntecno TeeBee.... sometimes you just have to have the real thing.


Instead of Digital Synths to try to emulate the MemoryMoog (which I'm NOT taking out Live), a sampler does much better of capturing what the MemoryMoog does, then trying to emulate it with a Q or Virus or something like that... just doesn't cut it. Maybe there's less noise and racket in my music, but you can definitely tell the difference between a Memorymoog, or the A-100 modular if I'm trying to emulate the sound with a Digital Synth...





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I don't 100% agree with you that digital can emulate analog in the live or studio situation.

There's certain tones and sounds that my ATC-1 makes that I just can't get out of a VA...



I agree certainly not in a studio. And if I heavily leaned on a Moog-like analog sound live I'd want something like your ATC-1 or Moog. Even in my noisy gigs.


Gilwe is talking about Roland MKS though and I actually think my SRX-07 expanded Fantom S covers those sounds well enough. Not the presets! I program each patch from the ground up (an initialized state) listening to my source sound and replicating it to the best of the Fantom's abilities.

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Fantom XR with the 1-gig memory expansion and a card and you'll be able to sample a lot of stuff into it.

But I don't think you'd be happy with a sampler at all, gilwe. I'd go for a VA module if I were you. Actually if I were you I'd continue carrying the JX-8P, it's not like it weights that much anyway.

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