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WAIT A MINUTE! Re: My previous OD question

Jick Magger

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So I've been thinking: I already have a great clean boost (EP Booster), so why would I be shopping around for a totally transparent OD? I've been going about this all wrong, man! Why not get something with a little character? I'm now scrapping the transparent, low-gain overdrive quest entirely. Some things I am considering:


1) Some kind of transistor-based overdrive (colorsound clone? I have no idea)


2) Earthquaker Devices "White Heat" or "Chrysalis" (White Heat is ahead strictly because of the VU reference and I like the 250)


3) Your invaluable recommendations and cheeky comments :)

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I use a MIM Strat (stock) and a Fender Vibrolux. Occasionally I use my Les Paul Standard with "Phat Cat" P-90s.


I play in a garage/surf/psych punk band. I like having the ability to get nice tones, while simultaneously working against them at times to make something nasty. Also, I have a predisposition towards old sounding gear (think Nuggets comps).



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Dude, if I were you, I'd try out that Chrysalis. I've been super curious about that thing. Sounds like it's got some character.


The White Light seems pretty sweet too, perhaps more organic than the Chrysalis.


Either way, with the genres you list, you wanna keep to the overdrive side of things, and avoid the more traditional distortion boxes. Great surf/garage/psychobilly tones are just natural great cleans gone insane.


Also sounds like the rest of your rig is pretty appropriate for what you're doing, so I'm thinking that as long as you listen to a clip or two before you buy, you'll probably like what you get. The modded TS idea is still a good one though. Something with independent bass and treble controls, maybe a toggle switch to play with... you've got a lot of options.

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Yeah, OD is definitely the way I want to go here. I had an OCD that I traded for a Fuzz War---great trade, but it left an overdrive-shaped whole in my rig. The EP booster covers a lot of that ground but it basically just functions as the volume/master on my amp (Vibrolux doesn't have a master volume). I might just say f*ck it and buy a Bad Monkey for the short-term.

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Yeah, OD is definitely the way I want to go here. I had an OCD that I traded for a Fuzz War---great trade, but it left an overdrive-shaped whole in my rig. The EP booster covers a lot of that ground but it basically just functions as the volume/master on my amp (Vibrolux doesn't have a master volume). I might just say f*ck it and buy a Bad Monkey for the short-term.



That would hold you over like ham when you want bacon.... pretty decently. Not a bad plan at all.

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I don't know about the {censored} Overdrive...dig the name though... but the WIIO is excellent... it has this thick kinda fuzzy vibe but it's not a fuzz...almost a buzz...BUT a good one... What I love about it the most is that it cuts through the mix and is still nice and warm sounding, the top end on it is perfectly rolled off IMO

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