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How to fix a quiet ginger

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My fiancee sings in our band with me & 2 other guys...has a fantastic voice, red hair, we do some great harmonies.


But she's just very quiet...thats just her nature and her voice. Sound guys always ask "is that how loud you're gonna sing"?


Is there a hardware solution for this? Compressor? Without getting massive feedback?


She's not Carrot Top ginger, just much quieter than the rest of us, plus we have 2 guitars, bass, keys, drums....it's a lot going on & sometimes she can get lost in the mix.


And I don't wanna hear "die her hair"....its the way she sings & it is what it is. I'm just wondering if there's something we can put between her mic & the channel....like a compressor & feedback eliminator or something like that?

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