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Counterfeiting can be good for luxury goods sales


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I don't necessarily think the logic of that article can be applied to pedals in the same way. You would have to be buying the newest maxon/ibanez tubescreamer keep putting out every couple years - not a vintage one. I don't know for a fact, but I would believe the market that generally buys Danelectro isn't even aware they're copies of the timmy outside of effect enthusiast forums. Danelectro serves a niche just the Timmy does. If there weren't any substitutions for a particular pedal like a tubescreamer, of course they'd have higher sales but in a market that is saturated with too many dirts and ods, thats just not the case

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Good point. So a circuit counterfeit doesn't really apply since people generally don't know which circuit they're playing. So this might apply more to, say, a clone of a Klon that actually looked like a Klon.

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