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The weirdest synth story you will ever hear !


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OK, this is one of the strangest !


My friends and I use to rehearsal in my friends place, where we usually leave our equipment. I have a JV90, JX8P and an MS-10 laying over the JX8P.


My friend calls me up on Saturday morning telling two of the JV90 got broken somehow, assuming he has dropped something over it accidentally while trying to make some extra space for us in his room, which is fully loaded with stuff.


Well, telling him it not a big deal, he comes over on Saturday and we fix them up.


But the real story starts yesterday night ! I come over to his place to rehearsal and see some screws on the floor and let him know about it -

he tells me there are many screws left around so no worries. After we're done, I decide to take my MS-10 back as not much use on the rehearsals...


I get home and I notice that one pot is damaged/broken ! I open the synth up and realize that someone had fiddled with it, opened it up and closed it back. The first thought was, well, probably my friend didn't know how to tell me about him breaking the MS-10, trying to fix it himself, but I know him and it was hard to believe that option as I know he would tell me first.


Then I realize that the four screws I found on the floor was taken from the synth back, and get ready for this: two pots were soldered out and back, and the one who did that even switched between them without notice !! Two keys got chips on them as well as two knobs !! :confused: I decide to leave that for the morning and talk to my friend.


This morning I call my friend asking him if he ever did that, and why not telling me about it... :rolleyes: He swears he knows nothing about it,

but tells me about two foreign guys which just tried to break his main door locker this morning while he was at his place ! Speaking to them he says they told him about them sent to his place from the water company to close the water supply :facepalm: Well, of course he doesn't believe them and they go away.

Again, nothing he knows about the MS-10 incident !!


Well, we just replaced the locker so no one can comes in with a matching key, and I go with the two broken pots to the local electronic dealer to get replacements, and get ready to this !! :thu:


The seller tells me about a foreign guy which just came over yesterday with the same exact broken pots looking for replacements for them !!


Making me think, what kind of thief would try to fix my MS10 ???!





Nothing was stolen btw.

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It's like he took an interest in your MS10 but didn't want to steal it outright. Maybe he was trying to play with it and discovered the broken pots.


Or maybe it's an as-yet undiscovered superhero: Synth-Fixit-Man. By day, he's a mild-mannered foreign guy, by night, he flies over the city looking for synths that need some TLC. :)


I actually have a similar, though not related to synths, story. Years back, when I first got married, we lived on the first floor of a 3-story house, which had separate sections in the basement for each apartment to store its stuff. Amongst the stuff we stored down there were my first set of stereo speakers, a big honkin' pair of Cerwin Vegas. We were in that apartment for about 2 years and then bought a house. In preparation for moving, we had a yard sale and I planned on selling the speakers. I brought them up and pulled the grilles off, and discovered, much to my surprise, that one speaker had a white-colored woofer cone instead of the usual black-and-orange Cerwin Vega woofer. I was puzzled, as the speakers had matching woofers before. I hooked them up and the white-colored woofer didn't work. Apparently, a neighbor went into our section of the basement and swapped out one of my woofers with a blown one without us knowing. I also had a 2nd pair of speakers disappear entirely, and a big Peavey keyboard amp disappeared also. I guess I was lucky I didn't keep any of my synths down there...

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If it were me, I would tell the friend that I can understand that {censored} happens, that sometimes gear gets broken, but that I need to know what really happened or it's the friendship that's broken, and that's not easily repaired. He probably loaned the synth out, intending for it to be returned, then it got broke, and he's trying to cover. That someone tried to repair the damage seems to show that they're trying to make amends, but just weren't able to do it right. It's possible one of his buddies borrowed the synth without his knowledge, but the cover story just doesn't make much sense.


If someone came to my door claiming to be reps of a utility, I would demand ID, call the utility, and then call the Police if it didn't check out. I would also have my Glock 19 in one pocket and pepper spray in the other the whole time, with my shotgun nearby. If the guys try to leave during the process, I have a digital camera next to my door to gather plenty of evidence for the police. Utility reps have no problem showing ID and waiting for phone confirmation.

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I would suspect the friend, except -- do you think the friend could have conspired with the electronics seller to pretend that "a foreign guy" had tried to purchase replacements for the same pots? I am assuming the friend does not fit the description of "foreign guy."


That's the part that makes the friend's story slightly more believable...


still... very strange.

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