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Roland V-Synth question


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I am considering buying a second hand Roland V-Synth. My budget does not stretch to a second hand V-Synth GT. Can anyone tell me the main differences between GT and the older version? would I be missing much? Should I wait and save up the extra for a GT?

Thanks in advance


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I recently bought a used V-Synth in mint condition for $850. The GT is way more expensive, possibly up to three times as much. I would think the chances of finding a used one are slim, at least for now. I'm not sure what the differences are between the two models, other than the GT having a color touch screen. When I was researching the V-Synth before I bought mine, I read a few reports from people who said they favored the original V over the GT because it was considerably more user-friendly. It might be worth it if you find an original V to grab it and if you still want the GT, wait a year or two for more of them to show up on the used market and for the prices to come down.

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The GT has AP synthesis which emulates some of the nuances of string instruments and a few others. It has 2 V-synth engines in it. The analog modelling and variphrase processing are identical. Physically it is different (color touch screen as opposed to monochrome). Any analog modelled sounds on the GT can also be played on the original V-Synth. For me personally it isn't worth the extra money even though it is more powerful. You could almost buy 3 used V-Synths for the price you would pay for the GT.

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