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Shameless Spam: We've released a free EP, come listen babes.


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Yeah. :wave:


This is the third EP we've released, but the others are up on places like itunes where you have to pay for them. We wanted something we could happily throw at people and give away, so we made this - all recorded and mixed in our practice space.


Lots of pedals and cranked amps, it was fun to record.


"Strong Enough" might be the song I'm most proud of making, ever, so if you can find it in your heart to give it a listen, I'd be a happy wee bunny. :thu:



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please tell me you're the sweaty no shirt guy in the british flag pants (or whatever those are supposed to be)! please!

From your media section:



Hahahaha! No, that's Alex, the bassist. He bought those specially for that gig. I was in a strange place between horror and admiration when he put them on backstage.

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