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IAmA guitar player AMA


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I remember you started a thread about "jazz boxes" or maybe it was somebody else... I want to get an inexpensive hollowbody (big body jazz box sort of thang). Can you recommend some decent options?


EDIT: Maybe it was loobs? I dunno, all I know is I remember you studying jazz and trying out a few git fiddles.

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when was the first time you?



The first time Natalie Portman and I worked together was actually NOT Garden State but this little independent film that we worked on together just after graduating college (it was about the peaks and valleys of my scrotum) which paid the way for us to work together in GS and also make me a the manchild that would become Dr. John Dorian on american television show SCRABS

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How do you feel talking so much shir about jazz when you don't realty know how to play it?



Jazz isn't really my specialty... perhaps you'd like to ask me a question about my latest book End This Depression Now! instead?

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