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Does your cat sleep on your keyboard....


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Synthman1 Ebay reminder to self: Make sure not to buy used gear from 35miles OR epyon77x. Pets climb on gear...

Oh and Synthman1 dont buy a use Nord form RVANDENBROECK! I can see his cats ass touching the friggin' keyboard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

General Used Gear Question List:

1. Are there any scratch or dents?
2. Do all the knobs and buttons work properly?
3. How does the LCD look?
4. Smoke free/climate controlled environment?

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I need a good chair like that for the back corner of my room.

I'm actually thinking of getting rid of a few synths so I can put the papasan chair back in the studio. :freak:

Very comfy spot for lounging/chilling/reading. Definately get the matching ottoman though. Tres comfy! :thu:

...doubles as a cat bed. :lol:

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just get racks pfft.. :rolleyes:


they're opening an IKEA down the road soon and i'd love to get something swanky along with a bookshelf / wall shelves. Their couches and stuff are crap though. However, as someone that almost has a PHD in RTA :lol: their furniture is really good.

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As long as I make a "spot" just for her in the studio, my cat has little interest in being anywhere else. She dosent like to sleep on keyboards at all - too bumpy apparently.


I'd probably be better off leaving the cloth off so that it is more bumpy. I think the worst of it started when I put that on.

But no need. I'm planning on putting the board in the other room when I'm away until such time that I can clean it out to make room.

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Oh, and you think the cat would have ever messed with the QS6.2 that I bought for two hundred bucks? Nope, its the PC3 he likes.

You should see the cats. The one causing the trouble is a mean, cross eyed SOB, bite your arm and leave a scare and snicker about it. No one else would put up with his bad ass. I should kick it some day. :)

The other cat is like the nicest, best acting, sweetest, purring cat, roll up, ball of good.

Good and evil, black and white, I tell ya. Anyone want the cross eyed one? :thu:

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All of this reminds me of a recent auction for a Prophet 10 on Ebay,

an interested bidder was asking to the seller if he had any "cat" specifically around the board, he said if yes he wouldnt bid on it because he is allergic to cats, he said in the past even if a board was clean from the in and outside he would be still be allergic to it...wooo!

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I had to bump this thread after nearly killing my cat out of frustration. The pillow + headphones in the center are to prevent her from stepping on the screen. My bed is right next to the keyboard -- ya know, fluffy bed that's huge with lots of pillows and soft blankets -- perfect place for the cat to rest, right?

Wrong! Here she's trying to play it after realizing the front part can be pressed, shortly before licking herself inappropriately then falling asleep.

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