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Impatiently awaiting the Blofeld Keyboard


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I don't know.

Perhaps you should just forget about it and keep the Prophet.


I've tried and tried to integrate that synth into my song concepts but it just doesn't fit. I'm sorry to say that I've pretty much gave up on it. :(


My ability to program the analog side of Dave's synths has been terrible as well. I just don't gel with that aspect of his products.

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Are you planning to use filter resonance a lot, MuzikB? If so, Blofeld might not be the right synth for you.

It's the reason I won't buy a JP8080 even though I've seen them for 400 dollars lately (Blofeld won't be as bad as JP8080 tho).



I'm not a big resonance user but I do make use of at on synth strings in particular. I hate that there's no way for me to test synths in Idaho because this place is a joke in that regard. I fugured, if the Blofeld doesn't work out, I'll simply give it back to Sweetwater for another Nord Lead 2X and that will be that.

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I'm not a big resonance user but I do make use of at on synth strings in particular. I hate that there's no way for me to test synths in Idaho because this place is a joke in that regard. I fugured, if the Blofeld doesn't work out, I'll simply give it back to Sweetwater for another Nord Lead 2X and that will be that.


Then you'll probably be fine as I can't see synth strings using a whole lot of resonance. Plus you have your M3 for superb string sounds :thu:

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The Blofeld's filter resonance is pretty terrible, or at least it acts in ways that aren't what I'm used to - and compared to the big sweet spot aspect of the rest of the synth, the resonance leaves a lot to be desired. For one, it jumps from barely audible to harsh without much in between. My sense thus far is that the filters' resonant frequency curve is extremely narrow (or precise, if you prefer), far narrower than a real analog filter, or filters on other VAs for that matter.


It's been too long since I owned the MicroQ, and I didn't know squat about synthesis then, so I can't say much about the comparison, but I assume that this is a Waldorf thing.


I still enjoy the Blofeld, though. I have plenty of ways to keep the resonance weirdness from troubling me. Running the filters in serial mode can address some of it. In some ways, it gives the synth a certain character, albeit an arbitrary one.

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I'll bet you end up with the NL2X. You always had a thing for the Nord Lead.


Yeah, I keep going back to the thing like a woman I can't seem to fully get along with but deep down, truly love. :lol:


I just need a synth companion for the MPC and MC-505 for collaborative DJ work.

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